
香港富通保险晚宴 HK AGEAS GALA DINNER 2013


On a world full of competitors, SPRING obtained a Hong Kong function. Thanks to the acknowledgment and confidence, both parties worked happily and learned a lot from each other. It is the first step for SPRING to international clients. Hopefully there will be more opportunity to work together again. We had given our time to prepare and ready in order to make it a blast. And indeed, that evening was mind blowing.

Indian's Henna Drawing




In a fateful occasion, Tang Dynasty themed dinner was delivered to 2 parties in one trip to Genting, Lubeworld and Shi Huang Night. Thanks to our 2 beloved clients. We were honored to serve both of them at Genting. We received a lot of praises and acknowledgment from them. We felt accomplishing from all of them. This opportunity was precious to us. Hopefully, Spring get the opportunity to bring more of its service to the area around Selangor and KL in future.

Performers: Freedie and Catz

春天艺术总监Adeline 和 主持人之一吴维彬
Spring's artistic director Adeline and Emcee Wee Ping Goh



Lubeworld Night 2013 (03/08,28/09,09/11)

春天从去年开始就和云顶结下不解之缘。去年只是帮lubeworld 公司表演开幕,今年是承办和制作整场晚宴。并首次聘请两个资深的制作顾问监督和指导。虽然花了不少钱,但是也获益良多。这场event 整体策划概念取自大唐,因为唐朝是中国历史上最繁华的年代,借此比喻该公司的繁华盛世。从舞台构造,演员表演,造型,细节,音乐,游戏等,都一一体现出唐朝盛世的特点。所以极受客户喜爱和欢迎。
其中创意气势的开幕仪式,华丽唯美的开场舞,庄严震撼的千手观音,风趣搞笑的西游记,性感高贵的DIVA SHOW,唱功了得的叮当,风趣幽默的主持人,都是成就这场盛典的主要因素。春天特此感谢客户的信任,工作伙伴的扶持,现场观众的喜爱,我们会继续努力的。

Since last year, Genting had been visited by SPRING multiple times. Last year, we were delegated to deliver the opening ceremony for Lubeworld company, but this year we were in-charge of the whole function. Though it is costly for us to hire 2 experienced directors to lead the show, we learned a lot from them. This event was basically inspired by the famous ancient China civilization, Tang Dynasty. Such dynasty was used to describe one’s organization being strong and advancing. The stage, characters, decoration, music and games were all themed in the dynasty of Tang. The highlight of the function was the impressive opening ceremony, fabulous opening dance, astonishing Thousand Hand Guan Ying, funny Journey to the West Comedy, sexy DIVA Show, the famous singer Della, humorous hosts. Spring appreciate all the trust and support it received. We will continue to try our best.

Journey to the West


Special performer: Della

Della interacted with the audience

Performers and Della

Crew and Della
