Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the most significant celebration for the Muslims and one of the most joyous celebrations in Malaysia. Spring Production had celebrated Setia Riang Raya with thoundsands of people at Setia Welcome Centre this August.
The place was full of people and everyone can get a durian kueh gift pack. We have some fabulous performances on the stage. The Malay traditional dance and music are amazing, while the modern hip-hop dance and stunning LED dance are fantastic. The hip hop dance was presented by ELECOLDXHOT. At last, "No Noise Percussion" from Kuala Lumpur had bring us a outstanding performance, they use eco-friendly product to create unique melodies.
Besides, there are also interesting handicraft workshops, including traditional weaving, image transfer artwork and wayang kulit puppet craft. Each creative handicraft reflect the Malay unique culture, people not only can do the handicraft by himself but also have a better understanding of Malay culture.
We also provide the Thailand soap carving tutorial, the carving teacher will teach people how to carving and coloring on the soup. After her patience teaching, people had made a lifelike flower soap.
The most interesting was the counting duck game, a simple game but with big challenge. People who get the right answer will win a huge prize.
我们非常感谢SP Setia实达集团再次给春天这个机会来策划这项欢乐的活动,也谢谢春天团队和技术人员。
A million thanks to SP Setia for giving Spring Production an opportunities to organize the event.