
新加坡EURO GROUP D & D 晚宴



客户对待春天很好,很信任,这也是我们为他们全力以赴的原因。同时谢谢所有 vendor 们的齐心协力,春天团队的良好沟通,让整个节目流程顺畅美满。


It is a joy to receive a Singapore client case on 2014. This is the third time for SPRING PRODUCTION to handle an international client (Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore), we believe more opportunity awaits. 

The event was functioned in a trendy way, a very high difference between what we usually present. 

Thanks to our generous client for entrusting us with this mission. For this, we gave in all our effort. Thanks to the cooperation of vendor and a good communication among the crew, a smooth program was delivered and adjourned wonderfully. 

Genting, we will be back again very soon.

Stage of the event

Spring's crew

EURO Group 会员
EURO Group Members