Setia Corporation is a regular client of SPRING, but the Prosperity Power Concert this year was planned by GALAXY. We were just supplying a few side service (Setia New Sales Center opening ceremony, photograph service and more). Altogether, we still appreciate Setia for being terrific. It was a rush on the opening ceremony project, however we managed to pull it out successfully. Thanks to every participants for their efforts.
SP Setia 的高层 SP Setia's Executives |
开幕仪式正式开始 Opening Ceremony starts |
演唱会主持人 Emcee of the concert |
表演嘉宾 Performer |
舞狮表演 Lion Dance |
槟城首长林冠英到场助阵 Lim Guan Yin came and celebrated with us |
动力火车热情开唱 Prosperity Power Concert |