Setia Riang Raya 齐庆开斋
开斋节(Hari Raya Aidilfitri)是伊斯兰教的新年,也是马来西亚最欢乐的庆典之一,每逢此时喜庆欢乐声在大街小巷不绝于耳。春天制作在今年开斋节(八月一号)在实达集团与千人度过了一个别开生面的开斋节。
Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the most significant celebration for the Muslims and one of the most joyous celebrations in Malaysia. Spring Production had celebrated Setia Riang Raya with thoundsands of people at Setia Welcome Centre this August.
现场人山人海,每个前来的民众都会领取一份榴莲糕手信。舞台上有着无以伦比的精彩表演。传统的马来舞蹈和乐器演奏让人回味无穷,而前卫的嘻哈舞蹈是由世界级的ELECOLDXHOT舞团所呈现,超LED炫舞让人目不转睛。值得一提的是还有来自吉隆坡的“No Noise Percussion”乐团的演奏表演,他们以环保概念巧妙的利用可环保用品创作独特音乐旋律,把现场的气氛拉到最高点,气势十足。
The place was full of people and everyone can get a durian kueh gift pack. We have some fabulous performances on the stage. The Malay traditional dance and music are amazing, while the modern hip-hop dance and stunning LED dance are fantastic. The hip hop dance was presented by ELECOLDXHOT. At last, "No Noise Percussion" from Kuala Lumpur had bring us a outstanding performance, they use eco-friendly product to create unique melodies.
Besides, there are also interesting handicraft workshops, including traditional weaving, image transfer artwork and wayang kulit puppet craft. Each creative handicraft reflect the Malay unique culture, people not only can do the handicraft by himself but also have a better understanding of Malay culture.
We also provide the Thailand soap carving tutorial, the carving teacher will teach people how to carving and coloring on the soup. After her patience teaching, people had made a lifelike flower soap.
The most interesting was the counting duck game, a simple game but with big challenge. People who get the right answer will win a huge prize.
我们非常感谢SP Setia实达集团再次给春天这个机会来策划这项欢乐的活动,也谢谢春天团队和技术人员。
A million thanks to SP Setia for giving Spring Production an opportunities to organize the event.
Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the most significant celebration for the Muslims and one of the most joyous celebrations in Malaysia. Spring Production had celebrated Setia Riang Raya with thoundsands of people at Setia Welcome Centre this August.
The place was full of people and everyone can get a durian kueh gift pack. We have some fabulous performances on the stage. The Malay traditional dance and music are amazing, while the modern hip-hop dance and stunning LED dance are fantastic. The hip hop dance was presented by ELECOLDXHOT. At last, "No Noise Percussion" from Kuala Lumpur had bring us a outstanding performance, they use eco-friendly product to create unique melodies.
Besides, there are also interesting handicraft workshops, including traditional weaving, image transfer artwork and wayang kulit puppet craft. Each creative handicraft reflect the Malay unique culture, people not only can do the handicraft by himself but also have a better understanding of Malay culture.
We also provide the Thailand soap carving tutorial, the carving teacher will teach people how to carving and coloring on the soup. After her patience teaching, people had made a lifelike flower soap.
The most interesting was the counting duck game, a simple game but with big challenge. People who get the right answer will win a huge prize.
我们非常感谢SP Setia实达集团再次给春天这个机会来策划这项欢乐的活动,也谢谢春天团队和技术人员。
A million thanks to SP Setia for giving Spring Production an opportunities to organize the event.
布置 Decoration,
制作 Events
《 Under the Windmills》七彩风车节
EcoWorld Windmill Festival are well known throughout the country and this time finally came to EcoMeadows,Penang. Spring Production is honoured to have undertaken an impressive windmill garden. Spring had bring an unforgettable August to the people through a series of exciting events and activities.
《Under the Windmills》七彩风车节自从开幕便受到了万人注目,前来的民众兴致满满,投入其中。大家不仅可以欣赏到独特风车,还可以参与于各项活动,包括气刷纹身,手绘画像,彩绘钥匙圈活动等,而在现场也有小丑助兴,同时备有茶点招待,赠送爆米花、棉花糖等,应有尽有。春天相信前去的民众必定流连忘返,满载而归。
Under the Windmills at EcoMeadows By Ecoworld Had become the focus of attention of thousands people since the very first day. People are enjoy of the view of windmill garden and participate in various activities, including airbrush tattoos, caricature and keychain coloring activities. Besides, they also providing free popcorn and candy floss. Spring believes that people lingers on with no thought of leaving.
Spring celebrated the malaysia national day with the public in conjuction with the last day of windmill festival.
《Under the Windmills》七彩风车节自从开幕便受到了万人注目,前来的民众兴致满满,投入其中。大家不仅可以欣赏到独特风车,还可以参与于各项活动,包括气刷纹身,手绘画像,彩绘钥匙圈活动等,而在现场也有小丑助兴,同时备有茶点招待,赠送爆米花、棉花糖等,应有尽有。春天相信前去的民众必定流连忘返,满载而归。
Under the Windmills at EcoMeadows By Ecoworld Had become the focus of attention of thousands people since the very first day. People are enjoy of the view of windmill garden and participate in various activities, including airbrush tattoos, caricature and keychain coloring activities. Besides, they also providing free popcorn and candy floss. Spring believes that people lingers on with no thought of leaving.
Spring Production has planned a themes for every weekend, from fantasy bubble show to romantic carriage and adventure maze with water walking ball, its bring a lot of fun and interesting memories for everyone.Spring celebrated the malaysia national day with the public in conjuction with the last day of windmill festival.
The windmill festival had end, but the beautiful windmills still waiting for you to visit until this September.
地点 Venue :EcoWorld Gallery @ Eco Meadows
地址 Address :Lot 730, Jalan Paboi, Mukim 14, Daerah Seberang Perai Selatan, 14100 Simpang Ampat, Pulau Pinang.
日期 Date : until 30 September 2015
时间 Time : 10AM - 6PM
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