
中国书法必用需品 Chinese Calligraphy Supplies

  1. 中楷笔 (大)
  2. 墨砚 (长方形)
  3. 中华牌黑墨汁
  4. 生宣纸、熟宣纸
  5. 毛毡
  6. 吸水布或小毛巾(一条)
  7. 水杯(一个)
  8. 纸镇(压纸的重量物)笔卷、刀片、印章、笔息、笔架等

Students who have registerd for Chinese Calligraphy Class are required to prepare the following items:
  1. Chinese brush for medium script (Big)
  2. Ink stone (Rectagular)
  3. Black ink (Zhong Hua brand)
  4. Rice papers
  5. Table mat for calligraphy
  6. Cloth
  7. Water container
  8. Paperweight, pen knife, personal seal, penholder, etc
Above supplies (except items No 6,7 & 8) are available in the Art Studio but is limited. Please inquire within.
