- 中楷笔 (大)
- 墨砚 (长方形)
- 中华牌黑墨汁
- 生宣纸、熟宣纸
- 毛毡
- 吸水布或小毛巾(一条)
- 水杯(一个)
- 纸镇(压纸的重量物)笔卷、刀片、印章、笔息、笔架等
Students who have registerd for Chinese Calligraphy Class are required to prepare the following items:
- Chinese brush for medium script (Big)
- Ink stone (Rectagular)
- Black ink (Zhong Hua brand)
- Rice papers
- Table mat for calligraphy
- Cloth
- Water container
- Paperweight, pen knife, personal seal, penholder, etc