- 狼毫大山水、小山水、花鸟水笔
- 中华牌黑墨汁、水彩
- 生宣纸、熟宣纸
- 调色碟或小磁碟(几个)
- 毛毡
- 吸水布或小毛巾(一条)
- 水杯(两个)
- 纸镇(压纸的重量物)笔卷、刀片、印章、笔息、笔架等
Students who have registerd for Chinese Painting Class are required to prepare the following items:
- Chinese brushes (made of weasal's hair, Grades: Da Shan Shui, Xiao Shan Shui, Hua Niao Shui Bi)
- Black ink (Zhong Hua brand), water colors
- Rice papers
- Color mixing plate (a few)
- Table mat for calligraphy
- Cloths
- Water containers (2)
- Paperweight, pen knife, personal seal, penholder, etc
Above supplies (except items No 6,7 & 8) are available in the Art Studio but is limited. Please inquire within.