
牛转乾坤贺新岁Year of Oxen 2009

牛转乾坤送吉祥, 岁岁如意贺丰收。春天制作为您量身订造完美配套,欢庆全新的一年。
We also provide other services in other areas. For arrangement of Year of Oxen 2009 event programs, please contact us:
TEL: 04-656 6318 / 016-448 8318 EMAIL: Adeline@spring.net.my WEBSITE: http://www.spring.net.my/

璀璨跨年2009 Sparkle 2009

We also provide other services in other areas. For arrangement of Sparkle 2009 event programs, please contact us:

TEL: 04-656 6318 / 016-448 8318 EMAIL: Adeline@spring.net.my WEBSITE: www.spring.net.my

公共假期 Public Holiday

Please note that we will close for classes on the holiday listed below:
Christmas (one day) 25-Dec'08
New Year (one day) 1-Jan'09
We wish our fellow students, parents & instructors have a wonderful Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Attention: Yoga Class Students

Please observe the rules below:
  1. BE PUNCTUAL! Please arrive at the Studio at least 10 minutes earlier.
  2. DO NOT begin class with full stomach! Heavy meal should be taken 4 hours before class. Light meal should be taken 2 hours before class.
  3. WEAR suitable clothing or attire for the class.
  4. INFORM the instructor before class if you have any injury.
  5. WARM UP your body before the Yoga session.
  6. INFORM the instructor if you feel uncomfortble during the session.
  7. COOL DOWN your body after the session.
  8. REPLENISH your body with water or energy drinks.
NOTE: NO CLASS on the 5th week of the month.

中国书法必用需品 Chinese Calligraphy Supplies

  1. 中楷笔 (大)
  2. 墨砚 (长方形)
  3. 中华牌黑墨汁
  4. 生宣纸、熟宣纸
  5. 毛毡
  6. 吸水布或小毛巾(一条)
  7. 水杯(一个)
  8. 纸镇(压纸的重量物)笔卷、刀片、印章、笔息、笔架等

Students who have registerd for Chinese Calligraphy Class are required to prepare the following items:
  1. Chinese brush for medium script (Big)
  2. Ink stone (Rectagular)
  3. Black ink (Zhong Hua brand)
  4. Rice papers
  5. Table mat for calligraphy
  6. Cloth
  7. Water container
  8. Paperweight, pen knife, personal seal, penholder, etc
Above supplies (except items No 6,7 & 8) are available in the Art Studio but is limited. Please inquire within.

中国水墨画必需品 Chinese Painting Supplies

  1. 狼毫大山水、小山水、花鸟水笔
  2. 中华牌黑墨汁、水彩
  3. 生宣纸、熟宣纸
  4. 调色碟或小磁碟(几个)
  5. 毛毡
  6. 吸水布或小毛巾(一条)
  7. 水杯(两个)
  8. 纸镇(压纸的重量物)笔卷、刀片、印章、笔息、笔架等


Students who have registerd for Chinese Painting Class are required to prepare the following items:

  1. Chinese brushes (made of weasal's hair, Grades: Da Shan Shui, Xiao Shan Shui, Hua Niao Shui Bi)
  2. Black ink (Zhong Hua brand), water colors
  3. Rice papers
  4. Color mixing plate (a few)
  5. Table mat for calligraphy
  6. Cloths
  7. Water containers (2)
  8. Paperweight, pen knife, personal seal, penholder, etc

Above supplies (except items No 6,7 & 8) are available in the Art Studio but is limited. Please inquire within.